A quick post to link to a jupyter notebook demonstrating how to download a whole dataset. Here’s the code. It simply hops 7999 entries at a time, downloading all the records that fall between the two ends of each step.

import json, requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
apiurl = 'http://thingspeak.com/channels/241694'
nextid = 1
result = None
alldata = []
endtime = None

while result != '-1':
    print nextid
    result = json.loads(requests.post(apiurl+'/feeds/entry/%d.json' % nextid).content)

    starttime = endtime
    if result == '-1':
        endtime = datetime.now()
        endtime = datetime.strptime(result['created_at'],'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
    if (nextid==1):
        starttime = endtime
        start = datetime.strftime(starttime,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        end = datetime.strftime(endtime-timedelta(seconds=1),'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        data = json.loads(requests.post(apiurl+'/feeds.json?start=%s&end=%s' % (start,end)).content)
        print nextid, len(data['feeds'])
    nextid += 7999 #thought download was 8000 fields, but it's 8000 records. 8000/len(result)